Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progresson from it to the full product?
Throughout this process, I would say that I have learnt a great deal and my knowledge began as very limited and lacking in any angle of professionalism and now it is to a much higher standard that I am proud of.
When we began the project I found that I struggled to come up with creative and successful ideas and when I was able to do this, I sometimes found it difficult to convey these ideas to my peers and to develop these into working products. Now, I would say that I am able to come up with ideas that challenge those that are currently existing within the industry and to develop them into a good film opening.
Our preliminary task consisted of a character walking into a room and having a conversation with another character. We went for the storyline of a girl being held hostage to try and make it more interesting to watch as the concept alone of the video isn't particularly interesting. We chose to not reveal to the audience what the girl was being held hostage for until towards the end of the clip to keep them intrigued and curious to watch more.
During this task, myself and Lily worked together to direct and work the camera which was quite effective because collectively we were able to find appropriate and fitting angles which benefited the piece most. Another aspect that was identified during the process was the difficulty of achieving good lighting and so when it came to filming my own film opening, I found that working outside midday was particularly successful and I was able to obtain the preferred final product.
I found that the tasks and lessons that I learnt prior to producing my own film opening were very useful when it came to actually producing it because I was able to utilise the different skills learnt and to develop/challenge these further.
Some things which I chose to develop and challenge were the ideas/themes/genres because this was not something that we had not done within our preliminary task.
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