Friday, 2 March 2012

Editing update..

A number of problems have arisen from the editing process of my film opening - mainly due to the computers that we are using because my computer was repeatedly having malfunctions with Adobe Premiere Pro. This meant that the programme would crash and I would consequently lose my current work that was yet to be saved. However, after this happening 3 times I managed to work through the problem and have now been able to complete my editing!:)

I used a number of techniques/effects/transitions in order to edit my footage and I think that I have done this fitting with my opening because it is quite simple and not too complex and so I haven't used too many effects or irrelevant colours that don't fit with my theme or genre.
I originally had a lot of problems trying to create my heart rate monitor scan sequence. I tried to use Adobe Photoshop, After Effects and Premiere Pro and yet none of these were able to let me create the sequence that I had in mind and even drawing the scan was particularly difficult. I finally reached the conclusion that I was actually able to use the original scan image that I had created on SketchBookExpress app on my MacBook Pro. All I had to do was import this onto Adobe After Effects and then to place a blank white shape on top and to move it accordingly across the screen. I think it is actually quite effective and I was really glad to discover that I could construct it and include it within my film opening because it was one of my prominent intial ideas.

I also had a lot of struggle trying to find music for my opening that was copyright free and was fitting; but the actual problem was FINDING them because I didn't really know what I was looking for enough to be able to search for them. I stumbled around on a few websites and found my way onto '' which allowed me to search for 'Royalty Free Music' and so I researched into piano instrumentals and managed to find a selection of appropriate songs. The one I chose to download was a piano instrumental called Oasis'Blue. However, after receiving feedback I might chose to change this later on.

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